Monday, May 11, 2009


One of my favorite girlfrens <3 Once in awhile, I think about all the friends I've had and currently have and think to myself that in life, we find friends that we share major interests with and I'd say April Paulino is one of them! Never did we under-estimate each other because we're both cool like that :D We always thought alike and had the same taste in everything! Boys, clothes, things, etc etc etc. She definitely has my trust and loyalty in everything. As time goes on, we lose friends, we gain friends, but I will not see myself losing a friend like her! HAHA. A strong-willed, smart, outgoing and beautiful girl that anyone would love to meet :P And I miss this girl to the maxxxx! Did I mention she has really cute, unique style? Ehe.

Dedicated to appppppe <3